The trailer of Sachin: A Billion Dreams got eyeballs, but from the cinematic perspective it was far from perfect. The makers have now released their first song 'Hind Mere Jind' on the occasion of Sachin Tendulkar’s 44th birthday. The song could be easily used as the trailer.
'Hind Mere Jind' triggers a sense of nostalgia showing momentous snapshots from the former Indian cricket superstar’s life, and lyricist Irshad Kamil's inspiring words could well become a sporting anthem.
Cricket had been Tendulkar's life and there was no greater joy than having proudly represented his nation for nearly 24 years in the sport. That is essentially what is reflected in the lyrics by Kamil.
AR Rahman triggered a patriotic wave with his rendition of 'Vande Mataram' some years ago. 'Hind Mere Jind' is not exactly patriotic, but Indian sportsmen and aspiring sportsmen could well look up to 'Hind Mere Jind' as a sports anthem.
Rahman has a unique, magnetic voice that can pull off such numbers with ease. He doesn’t disappoint with his music too, doling out tunes that trigger nostalgia, ecstasy. The song is motivating, as well as partly romantic.
The various visuals and the tune attract you to the song. Though the lyrics are poles apart, the music of the 'Hind Mere Jind' song would perhaps trigger the same emotion as Rahman’s 'Jo Des Hai Mera' from Swades (2004) did. Like the Swades track, 'Hind Mere Jind' track, too beats on contemporary, as well Indian classical tunes.
Inspiring lyrics, soothing music, but the song largely rides on the glorious visuals from the great man’s career and life.
The dramatised visuals of a young Sachin jumping with joy upon being gifted a bat wrapped in a simple cloth is a sight that most cricketers will relate to.
The classical tunes sync perfectly with the visuals of Tendulkar’s very private marriage to Anjali Mehta in 1995. We get to see Tendulkar’s moments with his kids Arjun and Sara as toddlers.
One of the defining moments is how a man who has been worshipped by his fans, himself bows down to the Almighty. And of course, how could director James Erskine not show Tendulkar’s legendary six — upper cut to Shoaib Akhtar in the 2003 World Cup league game at the Centurion?
What makes Tendulkar great is how he has always put the game ahead of himself and expressed gratitude to millions of fans. Indian cricket will be familiar with the sight of Sudhir Gautam, a fan of Tendulkar and the Indian cricket team, who has travelled against all odds to various venues to watch India play since 2003.
'Hind Mere Jind' summarises the master’s life and career in over two minutes. After a rather disappointing trailer, Erskine and Rahman have produced a track that befitting of the master’s legend.
Watch the 'Hind Mere Jind' track below. The film is set to be released on 26 May.