It's Varun Dhawan's birthday, but that hasn't deterred the actor from getting into the Judwaa spirit. The actor, who had earlier announced that he was taking a break from Twitter, has been actively tweeting about his film whilst filming in London.
In keeping with the Judwaa spirit, Dhawan posted a picture of himself with his filmmaker father David. What’s so special about it? It’s pretty common for a son to share a picture with his father. Well, the picture had Varun's Judwaa too in it.
The actor tweeted:
"Till today I didn't know there were two of us, but now I know who did all those things people thought I did," wrote Varun, choosing the right words to describe.
Are these Varun's two looks in Judwaa 2? For long, Varun's picture on his Twitter wall had one character sporting a mullet. We don’t see the mullet in the picture posted by Varun with his dad. Nevertheless, it's too early to presume anything.
Judwaa 2 is set to be released on 29 September. Judwaa 2 is the remake of the 1997 film of the same name, that was directed by David with Salman Khan in the lead.