Ever since the first look of Karan Johar's Ae Dil Hai Mushkil came out, the internet has been abuzz with speculations about its story and characters. The latest video of the complete title track should be of some help to netizens. Karan Johar tweeted the video of the song, and it looks just as a gorgeous as its first look.
One key thing to take away is the fact that Ranbir Kapoor returns to the hurt artist, musician mould after his scintillating performance in Imtiaz Ali's Rockstar. The video shows him leading an orchestra in the performance of the title track, and also has him playing a piano in some scenes. Reports suggest that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will be playing an Urdu poetess in the film. Kapoor's chemistry with Anushka Sharma, as well as the enigmatic Aishwarya Rai Bachchan looks enticing. The actors manage to add some charm to a gorgeously shot video, with some eye catching props in the background.
The song has already taken over the airwaves and has managed to rake in more than 15 million views on the internet.
Ae Dil Hai Mushkil will mark Karan Johar's return to the director's chair after Student of The Year (2012). The film is expected to release on 28 October.