The poor run of Hindi films at the box-office continues as Sonakshi Sinha's action revenge drama Akira managed to earn only Rs4.25 crore on its first day at the box-office. The film saw an improvement in the latter half of the day. Based on the morning shows, many trade sources were pegging the collection around the range of Rs3 crore. However, the eventual jump in the margin does not suggest any radical change in the collections for the film over the weekend.
Akira's collection of Rs4.25 crore is still better than those of recent releases like Mudassar Aziz's Happy Bhag Jayegi. The film's collection put it alongside films like Fitoor and Sarbjit. However, it has failed to live up to the standards of multiplex winners like Neerja (Rs4.62 crore) and Jai Gangaajal (Rs4.48 crore).
The main flaw in the film lies in its being an action drama. The absence of any musical numbers or any alternate entertainment ensured that the main source of audience for the film would be the multiplexes. However, the film has failed to generate any such curiousity among the audience despite having a talented star cast of Sinha, Anurag Kashyap and Konkona Sen Sharma.
The film has also not performed too well in urban centres, which could point out to slower collections over the weekend. On the other hand, it remains head and shoulders above the other films which released on Friday including Yea Toh Two Much Ho Gaya, Island City, Dark Chocolate and Sunshine Music Tours and Travels. Most of these films continue to waver in the Rs10 lakh margin.
Hopefully, the long weekend will help Akira punch above its weight.