Acclaimed actress Tannishtha Chatterjee had lashed out earlier today at the TV show Comedy Nights Bachao after she felt humiliated by the jokes made on her skin colour. Chatterjee expressed her anguish through a long Facebook post. The actress had attended the show to promote her latest film, Parched, with director Leena Yadav and co-star Radhika Apte.
Now, Colors channel has expressed an apology to Chatterjee on Facebook. The channel has mentioned that it is unfortunate that Chatterjee had to go through this and claimed that it focuses on creating content that is free from any bias, citing examples of a few of its shows. The channel's spokesperson also said the management has taken up the matter with the creative team and production house and it wasn’t the intention to offend anyone.
Chatterjee appreciated the gesture from the channel but also mentioned that the issue is not limited to her. "Thanks for this post. But this is not about me. It's about a prejudice. I wish they had made fun of me,” she responded.
Meanwhile, the actress has received strong support from fellow artiste Nandita Das, who has faced similar comments in the past.