Apart from Ranbir Kapoor, Rockstar (2011) and Karan Johar's latest release Ae Dil Hai Mushkil seem to have a lot in common. Johar seems to have subconsciously rehashed director Imtiaz Ali's love saga. Here are 10 things to prove that Johar could have taken some major inspiration from the 2011 musical romantic drama while writing the script of ADHM.
1) Ranbir Kapoor plays a singer in both films.
2) In Rockstar, Janardhan aka Jordon (Kapoor) is told that he won't be able sing well and achieve his full potential unless he suffers a heartbreak after falling in love. In ADHM too, Anushka Sharma (Alizeh) tells Ranbir the same thing. And in both films Kapoor's character eventually gets his heart broken.
3) Kapoor first bonds and becomes good friends with his heroine before losing his heart to her. It is their fieriness and contrasting personality (to his simple persona) that attracts him to both women.
4) In both films, Kapoor hangs out, parties, drinks and travels with the heroine, before she walks away.
5) And then Kapoor becomes a successful singer and achieves fame after a major heartbreak.
6) In Rockstar, Heer (Nargis Fakhri) the girl Jordon loves gets married to someone else she had known before she met Jordon. In ADHM, Ayan's (Kapoor) true love Alizeh also gets married to someone else she has already been in love with. Damn Kapoor's luck in both films!
7) In both films Kapoor attends the wedding of the girl he has fallen in love with.
8) In both Rockstar and ADHM, Ranbir loses his heroines to fatal diseases. While Fakhri's character suffers from Aplastic Anemia, Sharma's Alizeh has cancer.
9) Kapoor returns to be with the girl during her last days and brings hope and a ray of sunshine in their leftover life in both Rockstar and ADHM.
10) Both films end with Ranbir singing for the love of his life albeit in two different ways.
The one major difference is that while Fakhri is in love with Kapoor in Rockstar, in ADHM, Sharma is not!