Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Shinde had welcomed news of Sujoy Ghosh pushing his Vidya Balan-starrer Kahaani 2 to 2 December, which meant they got had a clear field on 25 November for Dear Zindagi. However, it now transpires that their film will not go unchallenged at the box office. A small film titled Moh Maya Money will now be releasing on 25 November.
Directed by debutant filmmaker Munish Bhardwaj, the crime thriller was earlier slated for release on 11 November. However, with PVR Pictures coming on board as the distributor, Bhardwaj has shifted the date to 25 November.
"I am elated to have PVR on board as our pan-India distributor, as they have the vision and expertise to make sure our content-driven film reaches the wide audience it deserves," said Bhardwaj.
Produced by Sandeep Narula, Moh Maya Money is a Delhi Talkies production that stars Ranvir Shorey and Neha Dhupia along with Devendra Chauhan, Vidushi Mehra and Ashwath Bhatt.