If there was one guy who you would wish was your life coach, it would be Shah Rukh Khan. The actor's wit and charm just makes the new Dear Zindagi teaser feel all the more real. The makers of the film have released the first teaser or what they call take one, featuring an adorable Alia Bhatt, and a witty Shah Rukh Khan as her life coach.
Shot beautifully at a beach in Goa, the teaser offers some insights into the carefree, summery look of the film. Khan looks uber cool with his unkempt hair and fuzz, while Alia embodies the persona of a confused young woman wanting to be free with charm. However, it is Shah Rukh's endearing lesson of playing 'kabaddi' with the sea waves that leaves an impact on you. Imparting a life lesson, the actor says 'Mere pitaji mujhe har Sunday yahan lekar aate the...samundar se kabaddi khelne'.
Directed by Gauri Shinde, the film has Khan playing a mentor or life coach to Alia Bhatt's character, helping her find her own way in life. The film has generated quite the buzz on the social media with Khan taking on the role of the charming, but wise, senior with elan. The film also stars Aditya Roy Kapur and Kunal Kapoor in supporting roles.
From the look of the teaser, this is just the kind of carefree, summery film that might leave audiences feeling all warm and happy inside.
Dear Zindagi is set to release on 25 November.