Ranveer Singh is on a high, quite literally. After swinging from hit film to hit film, the actor has set tongues wagging with his 'Playboy' acting in Aditya Chopra's next, Befikre. In a recent interview, the actor confessed that his role in Chopra's film required more than just physical nudity.
Singh said, "Me wearing the speedo is just the physical aspect of it and it means very little as opposed to what I am actually putting out there. I am naked to another level and it has more to do with my soul. If you wear your soul, you can’t be more naked than that." The intimate scenes from the Befikre trailer are unlike any Chopra film before and has required both actors, Singh and Vaani Kapoor, to go beyond any inhibitions.
Singh, however, denied that he had any inhibitions about nudity in the first place. He said, "I have no problem with nudity. I am not an exhibitionist, I am extremely comfortable in my skin, " he added, "People say ‘actors nange hote hai’ but that doesn’t mean they are literally naked. It means when an actor is performing it is completely convincing, but they are acting, they don’t really feel it."
Befikre is directed by Aditya Chopra and is set to release on 9 December.