It is a hard day's job being an actor. Ask Ranveer Singh. In the latest video released by the Befikre team, the actor is getting himself stuffed with every variety of food on the streets of Paris. As much as the foodie in Singh is loving it, his trainer, Lloyd Stevens doesn't feel so.
To be honest, the story of Singh building his physique to embody the ruthless Allauddin Khilji has already received a lot of media coverage. However, his foodie habits might pose a problem to that. In the video, Singh plots a number of tricks and plans to smuggle in food when Stevens is not looking. Only for Stevens to catch him in the end and give him a proper lecture. Not that it bothers the actor one bit! He signs off with the declaration that 'Hum to enjoy kar reye hain jee'.
Befikre is set to release on 9 December.