The new season for Karan Johar's famous chat show seems to be built around unlikely couples. It opened with Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt who set the tone with their easy chemistry and camaraderie. Now, Sania Mirza and Farah Khan are set to be the next guests on the chat show.
Real life friends, this will be the first time Mirza and Khan will make an appearance on screen. Mirza has even tweeted the first look of the shoot for the scheduled show. It would be Sania Mirza's debut on the chat show, whereas Farah Khan has been quite the regular. Khan has appeared several times on the show, starting from her appearance alongside Gurinder Chadha in season 1. Quite the task for Mirza if she does want to win the celebrated hamper!
Meanwhile, the next episode of Johar's new season will have the smart alec Twinkle Khanna and Akshay Kumar on the hot seat. The teaser for the show has already gone viral with Khanna's hilarious and witty one liners taking the cake. In one show-stealing reply to Johar's question, 'What does Akshay Kumar have that the Khans do not?', Khanna says, "some extra inches." While both Johar and Akshay Kumar look a wee bit scandalised, MrsFunnyBones, as she is called on Twitter, does not miss a beat and replies, "Its his feet. Size 12. Stop looking at his crotch all the time, Karan." If that is the tone of the show, we like it already.
Another real life friendship that will make an appearance on the show is that of Sonam Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan. The thick friends, and now co-stars in Veerey Di Wedding, are also scheduled to appear on Johar's show. Both actresses, known to be quite frank in their opinions, have already shot for the show. Sonam Kapoor caused quite a stir when she came on the season 3 of the show with Deepika Padukone, and it will be interesting to see how the real life friendship between her and Kareena Kapoor Khan translates this time.
Daawat-e-Ishq co-stars Parineeti Chopra and Aditya Roy Kapur are another pair that will be appearing on the show. Varun Dhawan is also speculated to appear alongside best bud, Arjun Kapoor. The last time Arjun Kapoor was on the show with Ranveer Singh, they established a new standard for 'bromance' on television. How Varun Dhawan gels with Arjun Kapoor is another mouthwatering sub plot.
However, the biggest question is whether the current 'it' couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone might make an appearance on the show together.
Knowing Johar and his questions, the lineup is definitely promising a great season ahead already.