There are things that never get old. According to Priyanka Chopra, one of them is running in slow motion. On Late Night With Seth Meyers, the Quantico actress said about the Baywatch TV series, "Who has ever run better in slow motion than those guys?"
As if that were not enough, Meyers cued up the theme music of Baywatch to get Chopra to enact her slo-mo technique for his audience. Ever game, Chopra certainly made a super slow, albeit dramatic, run for the camera. "I am an Indian movie actor. We do a lot of stuff in slo-mo, especially hair flips," she quipped. "Listen, this Baywatch movie, there is a lot of slo-mo coming in." The actress plays the villainous Victoria Leeds in the big screen reboot of Baywatch.
Chopra is riding a wave with appearances on Chelsea Handler's show, Ellen DeGeneres' show, and now Seth Meyers's. Chopra also has the Baywatch movie coming out on 19 May 2017.
Speaking about the show's influence on her as a kid, Chopra said, "Baywatch was, I think, a much bigger hit around the world than it was in America. I don't think people in America realise that." She said that when the theme music to Baywatch started, she would run to the couch to watch it.
Some people get to grow up and live the dream. The rest of us just have to live with it.