When the news broke that Karan Johar had managed to convince Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh to appear together on his chat show, Koffee with Karan, the internet went wild. It was a practical coup with both actors touted as the stars of the new generation. Now, the director has posted pictures on his social media account, only adding to the excitement for the episode.
The easy candour and brashness of the show has also been refreshing.Dhawan and Arjun have already set the tone for 'bromance' on the show, in the teaser. With this in mind, the episode with Singh and Ranbir might see some sparks fly. The two share an easy compatibility, despite the issue of Deepika Padukone. Padukone dated Ranbir, before entering into a relationship with Singh.
The mercurial temperament of Singh, and the quiet, diplomatic nature of Ranbir also makes for an interesting combination. Singh's funky attire and Ranbir's soberly demeanour is evidence.
The show has been shot and is expected to air next week.