Aditya Chopra's return to the directorial chair is set to have a world premiere at the 13th Dubai International Film Festival in December. The film starring Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor will be among the red carpet gala of the Festival's celebration on 8 December.
The film has been shot entirely in Paris, and has already got the audience buzzing for the bold, brash scenes in the trailer. So far, the film has been projected as a romantic comedy built on impulsive experiences.
Befikre trailer: Ranveer Singh, Vaani Kapoor take carefreeness to another level
This would be the fourth Yash Raj film to premiere at the festival after Kabul Express (2006), Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year (2009), and Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl (2011). Nelson D'souza, the Yash Raj Films, head of operations was quoted as saying, "Yash Raj Films and DIFF have a long history and we're privileged and honoured to have been a part of this remarkable journey with DIFF from the beginning. We're delighted that the Festival has selected 'Befikre' as it is a film very close to our hearts..."
In a statement, Abdulhamid Juma, DIFF chairman said, "The world premiere of Befikre from Yash Raj Films and directed by Aditya Chopra, following a hiatus of seven years, is a major scoop for DIFF. This refreshing new film will appeal not just to the expatriate community, but also to Arabs who have a strong affinity for Bollywood films."
The festival is set to begin on 7 December, and will last till 14 December.