The first trailer of Great Grand Masti, the third film in the Masti franchise, was released last night at a suburban multiplex in Mumbai amid much hilarity by the three main leads, Vivek Oberoi, Riteish Deshmukh and Aftab Shivdasani.
But director Indra Kumar took the occasion to make a grand announcement. Much before the third film hits the theatres, he had no qualms in announcing the fourth film in the Masti series. Speaking at the event, he said, “We will surely make Masti 4.” He didn’t divulge more details though and said that they will announce the title later.
Obviously, he made it clear that the fourth film will also have the same trio when he was asked why the female star cast keeps changing in every Masti film and not the three males. Kumar jokingly replied, “Girls keep changing since they keep ageing. But these three (Vivek, Riteish and Aftab) are ageless. They are still mind-blowing. It seems they are just out of the oven.”
The trailer indicated that the film will be much grander as far as the adult content is concerned. To this, Riteish was asked whether his Marathi fans, who are mostly family audiences, would be disappointed to see him do such films. The actor replied, “No, I don’t think so. I keep getting various kinds of genres and adult or naughty comedy is one. I don’t look down upon any genre.”
Vivek chipped in with, “Just to clarify the air, Great Grand Masti is a family film. After watching this film, the number of families would increase in India.”