Before the release of Salman Khan’s Sultan, trade experts had predicted its first weekend business to be in the range of Rs160 crore. However, the film surprised everyone by earning a whopping Rs181.50 crore in the first five days, as reported by
The Ali Abbas Zafar-directed film amassed Rs39 crore on Sunday, 10 July 2016, the fifth day of its release. On the first four days, it earned Rs36.50 crore, Rs37.20 crore, Rs31.50 crore and Rs37.10 crore, respectively. Thus, Sultan became the first film to earn more than Rs30 crore on more than three consecutive days.
As expected, due to the Haryanvi flavour, the film has done phenomenally well in the northern regions of India. But what is surprising is that it also managed to earn well in the non-Hindi speaking regions like West Bengal and Mysore.
Now, Sultan is all set to become the first Indian film to cross Rs200 crore nett in less than a week. Whether it breaks the records of PK (Rs338 crore) and Bajrangi Bhaijaan (Rs319 crore), the highest grossing Hindi films, will depend on its box-office performance in the weekdays starting today.