Ever since the release of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani, speculations started doing the rounds on whether Deepika Padukone will star in the filmmaker’s next titled Padmavati. But now, it is confirmed that the Piku actress will be playing the lead role in the film.
The news was revealed by music composer Shreyas Puranik on his Twitter page. Puranik made his debut with Bajirao Mastani. He composed the songs ‘Gajanana’ and ‘Ab tohe jane na dungi.’ He also revealed that he would be a part of Padmavati.
Interestingly, Deepika would again be cast opposite Ranveer Singh in the film. This will be their third pairing after Goliyon Ki Raas Leela: Ram Leela and Bajirao Mastani; both directed by Bhansali. It is reported that Prakash Kapadia, who wrote Bajirao Mastani, will be penning the said film.
Padmavati is based on emperor Alauddin Khilji’s obsession for the queen of Chittor, Padmavati. The film will reportedly go on floors in September. In 2008, Bhansali had directed the 1923 opera of Padmavati in Paris.