The Indian cricket team captain took to Twitter to shut down false rumours of his engagement that have been doing the rounds of the press ever since Mukesh Ambani and Amitabh Bachchan were spotted at the same holiday destination as Sharma and Kohli.
We wouldn't hide it: Virat Kohli ends rumours of engagement with Anushka Sharma
Mumbai - 30 Dec 2016 11:44 IST
Our Correspondent
Virat Kohli does not brook nonsense, not on a holiday either. The captain of the Indian cricket team has been vacationing in Dehradun with Anushka Sharma after a long, and crucial year. But the coincidence of Amitabh Bachchan and Mukesh Ambani arriving in Dehradun at the same time, in addition to pictures of Sharma and Kohli visiting a temple in Rishikesh sent their engagement rumours into overdrive. The captain though has decided to put an end to these stories once and for all.
Taking to Twitter, the cricketer wrote, "we aren't getting engaged & if we were going to,we wouldn't hide it. Simple... (1/2)"
" we aren't getting engaged & if we were going to,we wouldn't hide it. Simple... (1/2)
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) December 30, 2016
Sharma and Kohli have been dating for the past two years, and have often fallen on the wrong side of the press owing to the public nature of their relationship. However, their candour has been a refreshing sign of a new generation unafraid of declaring their relationships. He tweeted further suggesting that news channels were only adding to the confusion, and they were putting an end to it.
(2/2)Since news channels cant resist selling false rumours & keeping you confused, we are just ending the confusion :)
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) December 30, 2016
Sharma got behind her beau quickly. She retweeted Kohli's statement, adding evidence to the fact that the star couple are not getting engaged, just on a vacation.
It is time the press left the two alone, and let them enjoy a vacation they thoroughly deserve.