Priyanka Chopra's Hollywood sojourn has gone quite splendidly. Now, the actress has set sights on Hindi cinema. In a quote to a Mumbai daily, she said she had dates for only two movies in 2017. Now, it looks like Sanjay Leela Bhansali has snagged all of the dates for Chopra.
Although speculations have been rife that she was set to play Amrita Pritam in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's planned biopic on the poet-lyricist Sahir Ludhianvi, titled Gustaakhiyaan. Shah Rukh Khan is rumoured to play the poet-lyricist. Chopra though seems to have other plans. Reports suggest that the actress is in talks with Bhansali to play the lead in a female-oriented drama being scripted by the director.
Bhansali has already wrapped up the first schedule for his next period epic, Padmavati, starring Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, and Shahid Kapoor. The director has two scheduled films under his banner, other than Gustakhiyan. A leading daily quoted a source saying, "Priyanka has met and discussed scripts with seven Bollywood directors over the last four months. She is being very selective as her calendar is choc-o-bloc till 2018 since the chance of Quantico getting a third season is high."
The speculations have been fuelled by the recent meeting of the director and Chopra at her best friend, Srishti Behl Arya's party on 23 December. Mumbai Mirror quoted the source saying, "Priyanka will meet Bhansali again at his office next week and is expected to sign on the dotted line only in February. The duo has been discussing scripts for the last one year. They're very fond of each other."
With her presence overseas growing, Priyanka Chopra has managed to find the right balance between the 'desi' and 'videsi' girl within herself.