Shah Rukh Khan is not only the king of Bollywood but also someone who has ruled award functions. He is one person who makes it a point at attend almost every award show, mostly in his black attire. However, it comes as a surprise to know Khan's views on award shows. He believes that credibility of award functions has taken a serious beating.
Here’s why Shah Rukh Khan feels none of his performances deserve National Award
While speaking at the Indian Academy Awards (IAA) launch in Mumbai, he said, “Television has destroyed the credibility of awards functions to an extent. Honestly, what happens now is an award function is made more television-friendly. It is really sad according to me. The organisers initially start with a lot of earnestness and ethic. But somewhere we get entangled in the loop. I won’t take away the fact that everyone tries to be credible, everyone tries to make the best step possible but I think that reasons of commerce and economics sometimes don’t let it go to the extent.”
Khan does believe that international awards are an exception. “Oscars is an inspiration, not a benchmark. BAFTA is also there. Let’s create a benchmark with this (IAA) show,” he added.
Very few would have expected Khan to speak against popular Hindi film awards since his love for awards is well-known. He made it a point to mention this to at the event. “I love awards. I love being a movie star and win awards for my work. Yes, I do keep a tab on the number of awards. I guess I have got 267 awards till now. I work hard to get them, if I don’t get one I feel saddened. The next award is the closest to my heart.”
Balancing act, eh?