The trailer of Vishal Bhardwaj's Rangoon will be the first big news of 2017. The trailer for the film will be released in January 2017. Set against the backdrop of World War II, Bhardwaj's film is a period drama with the love triangle of Shahid Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut and Saif Ali Khan. The trailer was initially scheduled to feature alongside Aamir Khan's Dangal, but has been postponed to the New Year.
The film has already garnered praise for the authentic looks of its lead characters. Though Khan and Kapoor have already worked with Bhardwaj, it is Ranaut's casting that has intrigued critics and trade analysts. Rangoon will be the first time the National Award winning director and actress will come together.
Ranaut is reportedly playing a 40s actress named 'Jaanbaaz Julie'. Her first look, released last week, channels yesteryear action superstar, Fearless Nadia. An actress known for taking on brave roles, Ranaut looks like an apt choice for this role.
In addition to directing the film, Bhardwaj is also the joint producer of Rangoon along with Sajid Nadiadwala. In a recent report by the Times of India, Nadiadwala was quoted saying, "I am very excited to present the trailer to the audience. Vishal is an incredible director and one will get to experience a plethora of emotions as his vision translates on the big screen."
The film has faced some delays but is expected to arrive in theatres on 24 February. This will see a double celebration for Kapoor, who celebrates his birthday on 25 February.
After a fairly indifferent 2016, hopefully 2017 begins with a bang.