It's not often that a Hindi film trailer leaves you speechless and intrigued at the same time. The trailer of Anurag Basu's long due project Jagga Jasoos leaves you with that feeling. It's tough to sum it up in a few words as the three-minute trailer takes you on a joyride of vibrant colours and adventures.
The first thing that strikes you about the trailer is that it has no dialogue, save for the four words ‘phat gaye thay honth’ by Ranbir Kapoor at the fag end. Kapoor’s hairdo reminds you of Tintin's quiff, so does the glider plane flying over the characters' heads. Th trailer begins with Kapoor lip-synching a la a capella artists.
While the trailer doesn't give away much about the plot, Kapoor’s speechless shenanigans and the aborted attempt to kiss Katrina Kaif is reminiscent of Barfi!. The ostrich ride and many other wild animals bring back memories of Jim Carey’s Ace Ventura series. This comparison seems more relevant as the title suggests Jagga Jasoos is a detective drama.
Except for her school-girlish looks and Bihu dance, there’s really not much to gauge about Kaif's character.
We had earlier reported how Jagga Jasoos could be inspired by Barfi! with Kapoor and Kaif's characters rumoured to be suffering from some ailment. The trailer has Kapoor mutter just four words, with breaks, while Kaif has no dialogue.
The vibrant colours, exotic locales, speechless thrills and shrills make you want to wait for more of Jagga Jasoos.
Disney India’s much-delayed project is set to be released on 7 April 2017. Click here to watch the trailer.