Akshay Kumar has had a dream year. The actor has appeared in three films in 2016 – Airlift, Housefull 3 and Rustom – and they all have crossed the Rs 100 crore mark and managed to impress the audience. Now he is ready with his next, Jolly LLB 2, which is the sequel to the 2013 hit Jolly LLB.
The initial posters of the film have upped the curiosity for the film. The same can also be said about the film’s first audio-visual poster, which has just been released. It has Akshay Kumar’s voiceover as he introduces himself. It is funny the way he mentions that he specialises in marriage, divorce, death certificate, birth certificate, stay order, murder case and dowry. He also shares his mobile number. To be safe, the makers have used a nine digit number.
The film also stars Bhumi Pednekar, Anupam Kher, Divyendu Sharma, Kumud Mishra, Huma Qureshi and Manav Kaul in a special appearance. Recently, Akshay and Kher celebrated their 20th film together with this one amid much love and warmth.
The first film, Jolly LLB, starred Arshad Warsi in the lead. But to make the film commercially appealing, the makers have cast Akshay this time around. Now, it is to be seen how the commercial elements are included in the courtroom scenes, which wasn’t quite the case in the first film.
Jolly LLB 2 will release on 10 February 2017. The first trailer will be out on 19 December.
Watch the audio-visual poster: