Last evening, Shah Rukh Khan met the chief of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) Raj Thackeray and made a promise that he won’t be working with any Pakistani actor until tensions between both countries ease out. The motto of his action was to ensure a smooth release for his upcoming film since it stars Pakistani actress Mahira Khan as the female lead.
During the meeting, Shah RUkh also assured Thackeray that Mahira won’t be promoting the film in India. He also stated that news about her promoting the film in the country was just rumours. “He had come to inform that rumours about Mahira Khan promoting Raees are false,” said Thackeray.
However, just last week during the trailer launch of Raees, producer Ritesh Sidhwani said on record that the actress will visit India for promotions if the need arises. “When we start promoting the film, if we find it necessary to bring her here and involve her with the promotions, of course she will come,” said Sidhwani when Shah Rukh was seated next to him.
The producer had also asserted that there are no restrictions on Pakistani actors from visiting India. “I don't think there is any restriction for her from the government to come. It is not that they have stopped issuing visas to anybody. I think as and when we do decide and if we want her, we will bring her here,” said Sidhwani.
Mahira Khan will be here for Raees promotions if needed: Ritesh Sidhwani
It seems Shah Rukh's assurance to Thackeray might have come from the need to keep all controversies at bay.
Watch Ritesh Sidhwani’s same statement in the video below from 26 minutes and 10 seconds onwards: