Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and the rest of the cast of Happy New Year enthralled their fans in America during their Slam Tour in October 2014. Now, a group of young Hindi film stars is all set to carry forward the legacy through the Dream Team Tour, which will take place in five cities in the US in the coming days.
The team includes, Varun Dhawan, Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra, Parineeti Chopra, Aditya Roy Kapur, Karan Johar and singer Badshah. They have already reached the US and have commenced rigorous preparations for their live performances.
This is evident from the Twitter posts shared by the celebrities. Varun, through one of his tweets, has also revealed that Parineeti has injured her foot. However, he also mentioned that she is expected to recover in time for the event.
There is an added advantage for those going for the last concert at Newark as Priyanka Chopra would be attending it. Parineeti revealed the news during a recent interview.
As per some news reports, one of the songs Varun will perform on will be Salman Khan’s famous ‘Tan Tana Tan Tan Tan Tara’ from Judwaa. Interestingly, Varun will be starring in the remake of the film. So, there are speculations about the performance being a kind of preparation for his role in the Judwaa remake.
But along with preparing hard, the team also seems to be having fun. This can be seen from the funny promo of the event. The one thing that stands out in it is Karan Johar calling Aditya Roy Kapur 'ARK', which is a subtle dig at KRK (Kamal Rashid Khan).
The Dream Team tour will kickstart on 12 August at Houston. This will be followed by performances in Oakland (13 August), Orlando (14 August), Hoffman Estates (19 August), Inglewood (20 August) and Newark (21 August).