The latest victim of social media hackers was superstar Rajinikanth. His Twitter account was hacked recently. But, thankfully for him, it was restored later. The news was confirmed by his daughter, Aishwarya Dhanush.
The large number of followers of the Kabali (2016) actor were surprised to see their favourite actor tweeting, “Rajinikanth #HitToKill.” They later realized that his account had been hacked. But before much damage could be done, it was restored. Confirming this, Aishwarya tweeted, “@superstarrajini appa’s account was hacked..handle retrieved. Thank you all :) #AllIsWell.”
Interestingly, the person who hacked the superstar’s ID reportedly followed Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Kamal Haasan, Kabali director Pa Ranjith and producer S Thanu and the film’s publicist Riaz Ahmed. However, after the account was restored, Rajinikanth unfollowed them.
So far, as per latest reports, the Robot (2010) actor has not filed any police complaint.