It was an unusual association as Shah Rukh Khan joined hands with Aanand L Rai for a film. The latter is known for his tightly budgeted, light-hearted slice-of-life tales, while the former is, well, a superstar. Fans were even more shocked when they learnt that Khan would be playing a dwarf in this as-yet-untitled project.
Well, Shah Rukh Khan's fans will have to wait for at least two more years to see him in this avatar. Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, which is also producing the film, made a vital announcement on Twitter regarding the release date.
The film is now slated for a 21 December 2018 release. Khan retweeted the Red Chillies post and reminded fans that this was a special film for all, with a very sweet title, one that will be revealed later.
The actor is currently shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s next, The Ring. Thereafter he is likely to commence work on Aanand L Rai’s film. Last reported, Rai had said at the press event of Happy Bhag Jayegi that he was still to complete the script.
Khan pushing the film to 2018 is understandable as he has two releases lined up for next year, Raees and The Ring. Besides, if reports are to be believed, Salman Khan is likely to have three releases next year while Rajkumar Hirani is said to have locked Christmas 2017 for his Sanjay Dutt biopic.
Two years is a long time but SRK fans have no choice now but to wait for this special film.