In 2014, Shreyas Talpade marked his debut as a producer with the Marathi film, Poshter Boyz. The film was a comedy-of-errors starring Dilip Prabhavalkar, Hrishikesh Joshi and Aniket Vishwasrao. During the promotions of the film, Talpade was asked quite a few times why he wasn’t acting in the film.
It looks like the actor has taken serious note of the suggestions. He has now decided to star in the Hindi remake of Poshter Boyz. More interestingly, the other two characters in the story will be played by Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol.
Confirming the news in a chat with, Talpade said, “I will be producing and directing it. The film has Sunny paaji, Bobby Deol and myself.” This will be the Iqbal (2005) actor's directorial debut in Hindi cinema.
The film is about three strangers getting into bizarre situations after their photos mistakenly appear on an advertisement promoting vasectomy. The original turned out to be a successful laugh riot. With the two Deols in it, it might make for an interesting watch.