Maharashtra cultural affairs minister Vinod Tawde said in an official announcement that Jeetendra, 74, will be given the Lifetime Contribution Award, while Anil Kapoor, 59, will receive the Special Contribution Award.
The Lifetime Contribution Award carries a citation, a trophy, and a cash reward of Rs5 lakh. The Special Contribution Award carries a citation, a trophy, and a cash reward of Rs3 lakh.
Jeetendra acquired fame through films like Geet Gaaya Pattharon Ne (1964), Parichay (1972) and Khudgarz (1987). A sensitive actor, he rose to cult status with films like Himmatwala (1983) and Tohfa (1984), which established his 'Jumping Jack' image. He last made a special appearance on screen in the Shah Rukh Khan starrer Om Shanti Om (2007).
Anil Kapoor made his debut in Hamaare Tumhaare (1979) before achieving star status with films like Mr India (1987) and Tezaab (1988). His stardom went global with Danny Boyle's Oscar-winning feature, Slumdog Millionaire (2009), and the television series '24'.
The awards ceremony will be held in Mumbai on 30 April 2016.